About Us
With its headquarters in the heart of Silicon Valley, Canon Medical Diagnostics USA has been a global leader of multiplex in vitro allergy diagnostics for over 30 years. Canon Medical Diagnostics USA, formally known as MAST Immunosystems Inc (1979-1996), Hitachi Chemical Diagnostics (1996-2021) and Minaris Medical America (2021 – 2025) was the first company to introduce a multiplex in vitro diagnostic test for allergies and one of the first to introduce a chemiluminescent assay system for the detection of lgE antibodies. The company holds many in vitro allergy testing technology patents and continues to pioneer advancements in the field.
Canon Medical Diagnostics USA works with industry leaders, laboratories and distributors around the world to provide the medical community access to the latest in vitro allergy testing technology. Canon Medical Diagnostics USA is committed to innovation, quality and customer satisfaction. Our products are marketed to over 20 countries worldwide. To learn more about Canon Medical Diagnostics USA and the OPTIGEN® Allergen Specific IgE Assay, please contact us or your local representative.